Importance of Games - Essay ( निबंध- जीवन में खेलों का महत्व)
Essay - importance of games
1.Introducation - Games and sports are health tonics. They are necessary for our life. They make us fit,fresh and social.They teach us a lesson of co-operation,duty and disciplione.They teach us a lesson of brotherhood and national unity.
2. Importance of physical fitness - Today's life is fast.We do not physically work hard.So we are less fit and healthy.We are more prone to discases. Games provide exercise to human body.
They make players tuff and strong. They make body strong.Thus games are very important for human health
3. Importance for National Oneness - sports make us generous. they make us more social.A real sportsman never cures for caste,colour and creed.He cares for his society culture and country.Sports and games bring men together.They develop the feeling of oneness among them.Thus they work for national unity and integrity.
4.Thier over all importance - Games and sports make our body fit.They make our minds broader.They create the feeling of oneness They encourage national unity.They gives us recreation.They give us pleasure,they make us more active.They make us hardworking.
5.Conclusion- Games develop self confidence in us.They make us sound in all respect.They teach us to face misfortune with a smiling face.Thus games and sports are very important for human life.In short we can say "no games, no fitness, no health, no pleasure, no life.''